The Golden Rule of Authenticity in Doing Business - Love Your Practice

The Golden Rule of Authenticity in Doing Business

Hi this is Kaushik Ranchod from Love Your Practice. This weekend I went to my favorite yoga studio, radiant yoga: they turn the heat up so you’re just like dripping the sweat – it’s not like Bikram where it’s very hot. It still is hot and at the end of the class I feel so good from just dripping in sweat and having a great workout. Afterwards you do what’s called shavasana where you lay on your back and you rest and you feel refreshed.

There’s a card by everyone’s mat. This is something unique they did as part of their customer appreciation week. My card said:

why fit in when you were meant to stand out

The quote was by dr. Seuss.

I know that when I first started my law practice I tried to fit in, when I went to law school I tried to fit in by acting how what I thought a lawyer should act, speaking very seriously using hundred dollar words, trying to always be articulate in everything I said, but then I wasn’t myself: I wasn’t authentic.

After I started becoming more authentic with my clients, with the people that I work with on my team, I noticed a deeper connection with my clients: they were retaining me because they wanted to connect with someone that they felt was real, rather than a polished version of a lawyer. I remember getting a yelp review from one client that was bad. The review “said this person doesn’t even act like a lawyer!”

That was like one of the worst clients I ever had.

So it’s a good way to repel people that you don’t want to do business with. Why is this important? Because the more authentic you are the more you’re going to be able to connect with your clients and the more that they’re gonna want to hire you, because no one can replicate the unique beautiful person that you are.

When you’re doing video by being authentic you’re gonna be able to create a relationship with the person who’s watching the video, step by step over time because you’re being who you are, because we all want to do business with people that we like, trust and know: when you’re trying to fit in you’re not being real, you’re not being authentic. When we’re just being ourselves people want to connect because they relate to us and feel like “okay this person he’s like one of my friends so I trust this person and therefore I will do business with this person”.

I hope this video serves you, I hope that you’re gonna take your authenticity to the next level and this plays out:

  • in your consultations;
  • when you’re doing video.

The more authentic you are, the better you’re gonna feel about yourself and the deeper connection you’ll have with your clients.

Thanks and have an awesome day!