How to Find the Golden Lead Source for your Online and Offline Marketing
In my last blog I discussed the importance of diversifying your marketing methods. In this blog I will explore how to test other advertising mediums.
This month is the end of my three month advertising trial in an ethnic magazine. It cost me $2500 for this three month test. I have to admit it was initially painful cutting the $833 check every month for an advertisement that was not working. When I found myself thinking this way I quickly changed my mindset and reminded myself that this experience was merely feedback that was bringing me closer to finding an actual lead source that works. Having this mindset and frame of mind is extremely important, because it is too easy to give up or feel like a failure after a marketing endeavor has failed.
Although I did get about ten calls during this three month trial, our tracking confirmed that the advertisement resulted in 0 hires. Yes, you read this correctly 0 hires.
At the end of this trial I was able to scratch this advertisement off of the list. It appeared to be a publication that targeted my demographic, had a significant distribution, but I have found that even after analyzing the data cards for a print and radio advertisement it was only by testing the advertisement that I was able to get conclusive findings.
What do you test when you place your advertisement? If it is a print advertisement you must test running different ads. You should only test one element of the ad at one time. If you test more than one element of the ad you will not know which factor resulted in the increase or decrease in calls and engagements.
When I tested my first ad against a new ad, for this publication, I changed the headline. In this second ad, after changing the headline I did receive more calls, however, the calls were still not qualified leads! Thus, after the three month trial I was able to conclude that the ad still had no Return on Investment.
Prior to testing this publication I tested an advertisement in another ethnic publication that was a golden nugget. I spent $200 a month with a substantial multiple return on investment. Thus, by testing this publication I struck gold.
As attorneys it is easy for us to find our bread and butter forms of advertising and rely on those marketing methods. You may be comfortable with your referral sources, Google Pay Per Click campaign or TV advertisement. However, most solo practitioners and law firms would be happy with getting more clients while spending less on advertising.
So what do you do to find another lead source? It is quite simple, test, test, test other advertising mediums that you are unsure of.
Be patient while you test, because to find the gold you may need to do a lot of digging.
How do you know if other advertising mediums are working?
Get a unique tracking phone number for each specific ad. There are companies that offer this service and we use Kall8. This service will tell you how many calls you are getting per ad.
Track how many of the calls you are getting from the ad hire you. You should be asking your prospects how they heard about your office.
Determine whether the cost that you paid for the advertisement over at least a three month period is less than the client’s case value. If the ad made you money make sure you like the type of cases and clients the ad brings in. This is important, you do not want to work for clients that make you miserable! I have done this one too many times when I started my practice and after three months into the relationship I deeply regretted on taking on the “miserable” client.