How to Create Ultimate Freedom in Your Law Practice NOW
I started my law firm and the primary reason that I continue to have my own firm is FREEDOM. Freedom to take on the types of cases that I want to take on; Freedom to decide who I want to work with; Freedom to be my unique self; Freedom to decide to what kind of clients that I want to work with.
When I first started my practice for the first five years I thought that since I am a “Lawyer” I had to act and communicate in a specific way. I felt that I had to act sophisticated, use “lawyer like” vocabulary when talking to clients. I was partly pretending to be someone who I was not.
When I started being myself – the joy of having my own law firm became more prevalent. The more that I am honest with myself and live in my strengths; the more that I am able to accomplish. Once I let go of the need to get others approval I realized that it’s the results that I get for clients, the service they receive, and the connection that I have with them that matters rather than the “lawyer image.”
A tool to figure out what your natural strengths are is the Kolbe test. Check out Joe Polish’s interview of the founder of this test at
Once you figure out your natural abilities you can decide how you want to spend your time.
For instance, if you are a natural entrepreneur it might make sense for you to work on your marketing and the practice of law as that is what you enjoy.
However, if you love the technical side of practicing law and have no interest in marketing you are better off delegating marketing to a team member.
Have you had a lot of marketing gurus tell you that you should focus on your marketing? Well I did when I studied and hired marketing coaches.
That advice might make sense if that is what your natural interest and strengths are. However, what if you don’t have any interest in marketing and you would rather only practice law?
Before you take anyone’s advice on how you should spend time in your law practice consider knowing your own strengths. As an aside, if you do decide to delegate your marketing you should still know the basics of direct response marketing principles as you will need to monitor and hold your marketing team accountable.
After I took the Kolbe test it was truly liberating because it allowed me to feel awesome about my unique abilities. I also had my team take the Kolbe test as well so they are working in areas that are in alignment with their natural abilities.
Life is too short to waste one moment doing work that creates frustration or aggravation.
Stay tuned for future posts on Freedom and Marketing in your law practice.
photo credit: Ready? Set! Gliiiiiide.
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